MapMarker Geocoder
MapMarker Online the cloud based geocoding and reverse geocoding application
MapMarker Online
MapMarker Online converts addresses to coordinates with accuracy and speed for improved mapping and location intelligence. Batch Geocode Millions of addresses easily with this cloud-based application. MapMaker started out as a desktop geocoder 30 years ago, recognized as one of the best desktop geocoders with a robust data engine that provide lighting fast geocodes with great accuracy. Today it’s a robust cloud-based geocoder with an easy-to-use interface with uncompromising accuracy and speed.
Input many different data formats
MapMarker supports importing and exporting of address record files in the following data formats:
- CSV — comma-separated values file. Delimiters supported are COMMA and SEMICOLON.
- SHP — Shapefile format. Note, the relevant SHP files need to be zipped together and then uploaded in ZIP file format rather than uploading the files individually. The SHP .ZIP should contain the .DBF, .PRJ, .SHX, and .SHP files.
- TAB — MapInfo TAB format. Note, the relevant TAB files need to be zipped together and then uploaded in ZIP file format rather than uploading the files individually. The TAB .ZIP should contain the .DAT, .ID, .MAP, and .TAB files.
Easy to use
MapMarker Delivers and easy to use interface allow the users to easily download formats