AGS Data
Crime Risk
A geographically detailed and comprehensive crime assessment database.
CrimeRisk is updated on an annual basis in conjunction with updates to the AGS estimates and projections data to include the latest national, state, and metropolitan area level trends which are incorporated into the many separate statistical models which are used to build the results.
The primary source of CrimeRisk is a careful compilation and analysis of the FBI Uniform Crime Report databases. On an annual basis, the FBI collects data from each of about 16,000 separate law enforcement jurisdictions at the city, county, and state levels and compiles these into its annual Uniform Crime Report (UCR). The latest national crime reports can be obtained from the FBI web site in Excel format. While useful, the UCR provides detailed data only for the largest cities, counties, and metropolitan areas.
CrimeRisk is a mission-critical component in the analyses of companies in many different industries.
- Insurance companies extensively use CrimeRisk in their actuarial models to aid in underwriting.
- Banks use CrimeRisk to assess possible lending risks in both commercial and residential property loans, and in some cases, on loans to particular businesses.
- Retailers rely on CrimeRisk in their site selection protocols, and to determine the expected security needs of both new and established store fronts.
- Real estate brokers and agents often provide CrimeRisk indexes to property buyers as a significant value add to their services.
CRMCYTOTC Total Crime, Current Year
CRMCYPERC Personal Crime, Current Year
CRMCYMURD Murder, Current Year
CRMCYRAPE Rape, Current Year
CRMCYROBB Robbery, Current Year
CRMCYASST Assault, Current Year
CRMCYPROC Property Crime, Current Year
CRMCYBURG Burglary, Current Year
CRMCYLARC Larceny, Current Year
CRMCYMVEH Motor Vehicle Theft, Current Year
CRMPYTOTC Total Crime, 5-Year Projection
CRMPYPERC Personal Crime, 5-Year Projection
CRMPYMURD Murder, 5-Year Projection
CRMPYRAPE Rape, 5-Year Projection
CRMPYROBB Robbery, 5-Year Projection
CRMPYASST Assault, 5-Year Projection CRMPYPROC Property Crime, 5-Year Projection CRMPYBURG Burglary, 5-Year Projection CRMPYLARC Larceny, 5-Year Projection CRMPYMVEH Motor Vehicle Theft, 5-Year Projection